churl: Mel-o-Creme, the best soft serve in Ohio
churl: Me and my mom
churl: Graduation
churl: Graduation
churl: Leo's big day
churl: Match Day
churl: Match Day
churl: Here comes the sun
churl: Memorial Day cookout
churl: Birthday dinner
churl: 535D breakfast club
churl: Super birthday party
churl: Card night at the 535D
churl: Putting for par
churl: Toledo, Ohio
churl: The Mulford Library
churl: Free ice cream!
churl: 535D, yo
churl: Mulford library
churl: My med school
churl: The Toledo train station
churl: The man himself
churl: My lame attempt at portraiture
churl: Waiting for the sale
churl: Hot dogs with everything
churl: My past cars - the LeSabre
churl: My past cars - my Honda