churl: Amir trying to look cool
churl: Amir
churl: Jesse's family
churl: Amit and Arman
churl: Hassan and Jessie
churl: Amir
churl: Too many cooks...
churl: Amarbir
churl: Watching the cooks
churl: Shalab and Gautam
churl: Ashwani and Kris
churl: Don't burn the chicken!
churl: Amarbir, wife, and sister-in-law
churl: Amarbir, wife, and sister-in-law
churl: Kiran, Molly, and... um... others
churl: Amir takes over the grill
churl: More cooking
churl: Burnt chicken
churl: More cooking
churl: Amir cooking
churl: Arman and Amir
churl: Shalab and Hassan
churl: Arman and Kiran
churl: Amarbir and Asad
churl: More cooking
churl: Burning chicken
churl: Ashwani and Shalab
churl: Burnt corn
churl: Ashwani takes his turn at the grill
churl: More cooking