MSIAorg: Boston Christmas gathering 2014 - group beforehand
MSIAorg: Boston Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching from front
MSIAorg: Boston Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching
MSIAorg: Colorado Christmas gathering 2014 - Catherine holding J-R pic
MSIAorg: Colorado Christmas gathering 2014 - group eating
MSIAorg: Nigeria Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching 3
MSIAorg: Nigeria Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching 4
MSIAorg: Nigeria Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching from front
MSIAorg: Nigeria Christmas gathering 2014 - young kids chorus 2
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - group pic large
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - group pic smaller with baby
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching 1
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - group watching 2
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - small group having fun
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - young kids chorus darker
MSIAorg: Nigerial Christmas gathering 2014 - young kids chorus
MSIAorg: Portland Christmas gathering 2014 - group 2
MSIAorg: Portland Christmas gathering 2014 - group
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - food spread
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - food
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - group enjoying food Inger, Finka, Ravindra, Corinne, Darwyn
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - JM on screen with candle
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - J-R photo
MSIAorg: Vancouver Christmas gathering 2014 - Mali Flynn and Corinne Kidd