Church of Ireland: Henry Algeo, Chairman of the RCB Executive Committee, speaks to General Synod.
Church of Ireland: Henry Algeo, Chairman of the RCB Executive Committee, speaks to General Synod.
Church of Ireland: The Revd Jack Kinkead speaks on the value of the Irish language in worship.
Church of Ireland: Robert Dunne outlines the Mind Matters initiative to promote mental health awareness.
Church of Ireland: Robert Dunne outlines the Mind Matters initiative to promote mental health awareness.
Church of Ireland: Rebekah Fozzard outlines the Mind Matters initiative to promote mental health awareness.
Church of Ireland: Bishop Pat Storey launching the Clergy Assistance Programme.
Church of Ireland: Bishop Pat Storey launching the Clergy Assistance Programme.
Church of Ireland: Barry Forde speaks on pioneer ministry.
Church of Ireland: Malcolm Kingston introduces the Board of Education report.
Church of Ireland: Kieran Sparling seconds the Board of Education report.
Church of Ireland: Joan Bruton affirms the value of parish schools.
Church of Ireland: Judith Cairns speaks on our opportunities in education.
Church of Ireland: The Revd Catherine Simpson speaks on our opportunities in education.
Church of Ireland: Bishop Ian Ellis commends the work of our education staff.
Church of Ireland: Canon Malcolm Kingston sums up the Board of Education report.
Church of Ireland: Glenn Moore opens the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue report.
Church of Ireland: Bishop Andrew urges UK government to ‘step up to the mark’ on refugee crisis at Church of Ireland General Synod.