Church of Ireland:
‘Shouldering the Lamb’ – Launch of the Archbishop of Armagh’s new book
Church of Ireland:
Archbishop Richard Clarke speaking at the launch of his book 'Shouldering the Lamb'. Also pictured is Bernard Tracey OP, the publisher.
Church of Ireland:
Bernard Tracey OP of Dominican Publications, Archbishop Richard Clarke and Aidan Mathews, poet and broadcaster.
Church of Ireland:
Bishop Kenneth Kearon and Kieron O'Mahony.
Church of Ireland:
Canon John and Jessica Clarke, Jenny McGrath and Karen Seaman.
Church of Ireland:
David Ritchie (Chief Officer, RCB), Dr Kenneth Milne and Archdeacon Ricky Rountree.
Church of Ireland:
Tom Jordan OP, Kieran O'Mahony OP and Pat Lucey OP.