Church of Ireland: The Synod in session
Church of Ireland: Mr Des Lowry, Mr Willie Foster and The Revd Canon Billy Stafford
Church of Ireland: Synod Service in St George's Parish Church, Carrick-on-Shannon
Church of Ireland: Bishop Glenfield and The Revd Earl Storey, who is faciliating support for mission through Leprosy Mission Ireland
Church of Ireland: Commissioning of Hannah O'Neill and Marian Edwards, Diocesan Youth and Children's Workers
Church of Ireland: The Revd Tanya Woods, The Ven Isaach Hanna, and The Rt Revd Ferran Glenfield
Church of Ireland: The Rt Revd Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, preaching from the book of Haggai