Church of Ireland: Map of India in the late-19th or early-20th centuryIndia_1
Church of Ireland: The first DUMCN missionaries on the steps of the Museum Building, Trinity College Dublin
Church of Ireland: Brotherhood bungalow, chapel in centre
Church of Ireland: Ladies staff including Ladies Associate founder member Frances Hassard
Church of Ireland: Ladies’ bungalow, Hazaribagh
Church of Ireland: Bishop Whitley at Bishop’s Lodge, Ranchi
Church of Ireland: Rt. Revd J.C. Whitley, first Bishop of Chota Nagpur
Church of Ireland: A typical mission bungalow
Church of Ireland: Missionaries,
Church of Ireland: Children, probably orphans
Church of Ireland: Missionary in a topi and children
Church of Ireland: Courtyard of a native house and people, Ranchi
Church of Ireland: Seven men, probably mission workers
Church of Ireland: Town or village bazaar, fruit and vegetables on sale
Church of Ireland: Young men, labelled “Digby students”
Church of Ireland: Hindu temple
Church of Ireland: Priest and three men
Church of Ireland: Three schoolboys laughing labelled “a good joke”
Church of Ireland: A double-jointed boy
Church of Ireland: St Stephen’s Church, choir with cross-bearer
Church of Ireland: St Paul’s Cathedral, Ranchi, interior
Church of Ireland: Country church in Hazaribagh district
Church of Ireland: St Columba’s Hospital, Hazaribagh
Church of Ireland: Nursing sister, missionaries and mission workers
Church of Ireland: Nursing sister, missionaries, mission workers and orphans
Church of Ireland: St Columba’s Hospital