Grace C.Chen: next bd boy-Pat!
Grace C.Chen: first cut
Grace C.Chen: gift 5-Mont Blanc pen (finally its not pink!)
Grace C.Chen: gift 4-pink cup from elder
Grace C.Chen: put on pinky shirts with pink kitty
Grace C.Chen: put on pinky shirts with pink kitty
Grace C.Chen: jeffS in pink
Grace C.Chen: gift 2-pink shirt with 2 pinky sisters
Grace C.Chen: gift 1- hello kitty utensils! ><|||
Grace C.Chen: gift 1- hello kitty utensils!
Grace C.Chen: birthday cake!
Grace C.Chen: birthday wishes
Grace C.Chen: pink balloons!
Grace C.Chen: things on the table
Grace C.Chen: king Soloman, king of rap
Grace C.Chen: all pinks together
Grace C.Chen: black, red, and pink!
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday!
Grace C.Chen: pink balloons!
Grace C.Chen: pink balloons!
Grace C.Chen: pat is singing
Grace C.Chen: couple in black
Grace C.Chen: vicky is singing
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday
Grace C.Chen: go rap, Mr. Der Paio!
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday song
Grace C.Chen: yo let's rap
Grace C.Chen: happy birthday