cath @ chunkychooky: A new smile
cath @ chunkychooky: Sublime stitching
cath @ chunkychooky: Stripey tights
cath @ chunkychooky: sublime stitching embroidery
cath @ chunkychooky: Sublime stitching, embroidery
cath @ chunkychooky: heart embroidery
cath @ chunkychooky: pincushion front
cath @ chunkychooky: pincushion back
cath @ chunkychooky: pincushion and thread catcher
cath @ chunkychooky: VW embroidery, pattern from pepperstitches
cath @ chunkychooky: Cassette pattern from pepperstitches
cath @ chunkychooky: Mr Magillacutty
cath @ chunkychooky: mr magillicutty
cath @ chunkychooky: mr magillicutty
cath @ chunkychooky: mr magillicutty
cath @ chunkychooky: Poem by Bruce Williamson
cath @ chunkychooky: Poem stitchin'
cath @ chunkychooky: For my Mr. ( lyrics by Evan Dando)
cath @ chunkychooky: doesn't it?
cath @ chunkychooky: I love the youth of today!
cath @ chunkychooky: poem cushion
cath @ chunkychooky: poem cushion
cath @ chunkychooky: Secret to a happy marriage
cath @ chunkychooky: Secret to a happy marriage
cath @ chunkychooky: Embroidery egg
cath @ chunkychooky: Fried egg stitched
cath @ chunkychooky: Egg head stitching