chunatown: He loves us equally
chunatown: New parenthood is all about sneaking in naps whenever you can
chunatown: Chunnose
chunatown: Comfort zone
chunatown: Go get em tiger!
chunatown: Dos semanas
chunatown: Week 1,561 (and tired)
chunatown: So he knows from the getgo what is expected of him
chunatown: Stomp
chunatown: These little bears went to the market
chunatown: Trois
chunatown: Babysitter of the year
chunatown: Dadda, don't mock me
chunatown: Kiss me
chunatown: Siesta
chunatown: Hair did
chunatown: All hands on deck
chunatown: Are we done here, guys?
chunatown: Spa treatment
chunatown: Whose son is this?
chunatown: Bananas alright
chunatown: Mama, why do you torture me so?
chunatown: Heppy heppy 1 month to T-man!
chunatown: Poops & giggles