chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock - Gerald Guzman
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock - Lenny Vertucci
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: LAVA Rock
chumlee10: Best of Two
chumlee10: Your Villain My Hero Lead Singer & General Babe
chumlee10: Sensations Rick Pemberton
chumlee10: CHERRY PIE Lead Singer
chumlee10: CHERRY PIE Bass Player
chumlee10: daddio raja
chumlee10: danny curington
chumlee10: jay strong
chumlee10: Can't Touch This
chumlee10: Sensations
chumlee10: CHERRY PIE Drummer
chumlee10: PRIME TIME Lead Singer
chumlee10: The Blue Kings (and Queens)
chumlee10: Lead Guitarist for The Blues Kings
chumlee10: The Blues Kings Vocalists & Bass Player
chumlee10: Seventh Street Saints
chumlee10: Seventh Street Saints2
chumlee10: Hope Despite in Black and White
chumlee10: Colorful Hope Despite
chumlee10: Hope Despite
chumlee10: Black and White Bass Player