Chu❤: LOL!
Chu❤: @ uni today
Chu❤: Sara's MySpace!
Chu❤: SOme one lost it
Chu❤: SaRa's Bag
Chu❤: "what are u staring at?" Says the Cat.
Chu❤: *Pic taken by maryam*
Chu❤: Sara murdering my bun bun =.=
Chu❤: Saras Blue Paper ipod + her cellphone xD
Chu❤: Paper Ipod From the back
Chu❤: Saras Bedroom
Chu❤: Fear~?
Chu❤: Saras Doggi
Chu❤: Sara's messy table xD
Chu❤: Sara's posters !
Chu❤: Sara's Towel
Chu❤: One of Sara's Posters
Chu❤: Sara's Upset Star ?
Chu❤: Sara's work place
Chu❤: 11 <3
Chu❤: Sara's Book!
Chu❤: Sara's heels xD
Chu❤: Isnt she cute~~?
Chu❤: Gatto 3del el bab mal el bait~
Chu❤: <3
Chu❤: i Love u~