Törna: It's playtime
Törna: 2018-12-24_11-28-30
Törna: fog over the border
Törna: while driving around and looking for locations to shoot, i found this tree next to the highway. Took the next exit and went on some smaller roads untill i came back to the location.. The bad weather makes it so much more intense.
Törna: This is a great photo weather and location. A cold and wet landscape, fog and something decay.
Törna: The smaller house next to the main building. We found a big vault door inside this one. Didn't get a photo of it but it was a cool surprice. The top floor was untouched aswell, making it a extra nice house to explore
Törna: A perfect morning
Törna: When the time has past
Törna: abandoned horror
Törna: World cup is over....
Törna: The gate to............
Törna: Is a toilet inside a abandoned house a public toilet?
Törna: There is no turning back now
Törna: Little house on the..........
Törna: 3000 miles to Sweden
Törna: Come with me on this journey
Törna: Rejmes Örebro
Törna: Save Tonight
Törna: Save the Wolf
Törna: grrrrr
Törna: stone beach
Törna: abandoned coffee machine
Törna: Abandoned by nature
Törna: Stolen by nature