[Chrysty]: 5/365
[Chrysty]: 17/365
[Chrysty]: 18/365
[Chrysty]: 24/365
[Chrysty]: 26/365
[Chrysty]: 27/365
[Chrysty]: 37/365 alternate
[Chrysty]: 37/365 FUTAB
[Chrysty]: 39/365
[Chrysty]: 42/365
[Chrysty]: 45/365
[Chrysty]: 46/365
[Chrysty]: 51/365
[Chrysty]: 70/365
[Chrysty]: cropped natural light
[Chrysty]: 77/365 Coffee Time
[Chrysty]: 84/365 My favorite time of day is just at dark when all thoughts of what must be done stop & small pools of light come alive on tired faces everywhere.
[Chrysty]: 85/365
[Chrysty]: 86/365 What would it take for world peace? I said. Is there a right answer? he said. No, I said. Oh good, he said. I thought this was going to be one of your love-your-little-brother talks.
[Chrysty]: 90/365 Serious
[Chrysty]: 136/365 Leaning out as far as she can, hoping she'll fall soon, so she can stop worrying about whether it will happen or not.
[Chrysty]: 183/365 "B is for..."
[Chrysty]: 185/365
[Chrysty]: 197/365 P is for...
[Chrysty]: 198/365 Q is for...
[Chrysty]: 208/365
[Chrysty]: 209/365
[Chrysty]: 220/365
[Chrysty]: 245/365 Heartless
[Chrysty]: 250/365 Better Days