© Marak Photography ™: Night life and light works..
© Marak Photography ™: Canadian National tower/ CN tower former tallest tower in the world..
© Marak Photography ™: evening at CN tower
© Marak Photography ™: I never knew they built an aquarium by the CN tower, when I saw it i was like wow!! well I just saw right now :p
© Marak Photography ™: anyone interested to give it a title cause i can't find one :p
© Marak Photography ™: CN tower before sunset :D
© Marak Photography ™: Light Trail II
© Marak Photography ™: Watch out Spiderman!
© Marak Photography ™: Decoration light :D
© Marak Photography ™: Decoration begins
© Marak Photography ™: The Distillery Historic District
© Marak Photography ™: Lock your Love :)
© Marak Photography ™: Distillery district Night art
© Marak Photography ™: Stars hanging at Philip Sqr.
© Marak Photography ™: Decoration Light
© Marak Photography ™: Decoration at Eaton Centre
© Marak Photography ™: December just around the corner
© Marak Photography ™: Water fountain
© Marak Photography ™: Museum Station
© Marak Photography ™: Toronto Subway
© Marak Photography ™: Thanks God for this beautiful day :)