infixing: 72 songs !
infixing: Coucou, xu mouchous
infixing: good morning
infixing: M. Biscuit vous salue!
infixing: i[']m.perfectly happy au BAL Café
infixing: my horoscope tells me to chill out (but to keep on truckin')
infixing: by Jitesh Patel
infixing: (free) spoils from the Salon du Livre
infixing: Yes, it does pay to have a library card
infixing: what my mornings are like, pretty much
infixing: kookaburras @ Kooka Boora
infixing: and this is what most of my afternoons look like
infixing: le maître
infixing: (c) 1992
infixing: Penguin Press Great Food Series