LaShawn Wiltz: 1/365
LaShawn Wiltz: 8/365+1. It's a rainy moody sort of day. But it stopped raining long enough for me to {look down} and find this. And take a photo. Day 8 done. #thebethadillychallenge #lashawns365 #everydayeyecandy
LaShawn Wiltz: 7/365+1/ 1/52 :Just coffee and light. Morning! #eyecandyproject52 #everydayeyecandy #notiphone
LaShawn Wiltz: 6/365 +1: things you do when you don't have a child with you: early morning Targeting. #lashawns365 #everydayeyecandy
LaShawn Wiltz: 10/365+1: my mother has come back to stay this week. Pookah, of course is the happiest person in this house..... #lashawns365 #everydayeyecandy
LaShawn Wiltz: 9/365+1: my co-workers sent me flowers. I ❤️ them #everydayeyecandy #lashawns365
LaShawn Wiltz: Listen. I was going to try to use two separate Instagram accounts while doing my 365 but guys?!! I can't do it lol. Soooo. There will be photos on here that are not from my iPhone.! I'll mark them #notiphone for the purist. But anyhoo! Here is day 4/366:
LaShawn Wiltz: 11-365
LaShawn Wiltz: 2 366
LaShawn Wiltz: 3 366
LaShawn Wiltz: 5 366