Freyja Quinn: Set up a permanent photo booth @ home
Freyja Quinn: Delete apps from iPhone
Freyja Quinn: Shovel Snow
Freyja Quinn: take out trash
Freyja Quinn: What I’d like to see in Adobe Ideas
Freyja Quinn: try electronics kit
Freyja Quinn: play weiqi
Freyja Quinn: Watch Clue
Freyja Quinn: Buy screwdriver to fix oven knobs
Freyja Quinn: Route 95
Freyja Quinn: Infinity… IN BED!
Freyja Quinn: eyewear choices
Freyja Quinn: Submit reimbursement receipts
Freyja Quinn: Upload to Flickr
Freyja Quinn: Fix freezer
Freyja Quinn: Sketch website
Freyja Quinn: Fix Time Machine
Freyja Quinn: upload applications to wiki
Freyja Quinn: Request checks
Freyja Quinn: Sew gloves and buttons
Freyja Quinn: Dots
Freyja Quinn: get groceries
Freyja Quinn: Germ?
Freyja Quinn: Dad in the hospital
Freyja Quinn: New snippet: TextExpander Application Incomplete
Freyja Quinn: wiki organization
Freyja Quinn: 64 gb iPad
Freyja Quinn: Dreads
Freyja Quinn: make a rubber stamp of boxes for cartooning