*Chris"): Teplice, Czech Repubic
*Chris"): Walking in nature
*Chris"): Amsterdam again!
*Chris"): Eating grass
*Chris"): Something on tv tonight...
*Chris"): Spider
*Chris"): Paws, paws, paws
*Chris"): Look through the window
*Chris"): Waterfall
*Chris"): Me??? A big mouth???
*Chris"): Relaxing in the backyard...
*Chris"): steam locomotieve
*Chris"): Dandelion
*Chris"): Butterfly
*Chris"): Again
*Chris"): Blue lake
*Chris"): Medicine Lake
*Chris"): Gerbera in rain
*Chris"): Sight at the sea
*Chris"): Yeah, so I'm lying on the table....
*Chris"): Orchid
*Chris"): Lily
*Chris"): Winter in Holland
*Chris"): White tree
*Chris"): rainbow
*Chris"): A lot of
*Chris"): Hee, this is my good side
*Chris"): Blue shadow
*Chris"): pure