waitscm: Harry the Horse
waitscm: Stampede band
waitscm: Parade marshals
waitscm: Mounties
waitscm: Mounty Bagpipers
waitscm: Mounties Marching
waitscm: Budweiser Clydesdales
waitscm: Scottish Bagpipers
waitscm: Dragoons
waitscm: cinderella stagecoach
waitscm: Heart horses
waitscm: Painted horse and painted mule
waitscm: Street Cleaner truck dressed as a Horse
waitscm: Look at the camera
waitscm: Calgary Stampede Logo
waitscm: Pioneers
waitscm: Cornelius the Gopher Conductor
waitscm: Bass through a window
waitscm: Bull Street Cleaner
waitscm: Inflatable flames
waitscm: Carriage hearse
waitscm: Mini horses
waitscm: Miniature stagecoach
waitscm: Miniature horses pulling a stagecoach
waitscm: Mini horses pulling a covered wagon
waitscm: Mini horses pulling a covered wagon
waitscm: Miniature mule
waitscm: Military moving through town
waitscm: Tiananmen square re-enactment?
waitscm: Royal Canadian Army Bagpipers