waitscm: 194/365 Williamsburg graffiti
waitscm: Pigeons in Brooklyn
waitscm: Mushu looking a little like a muppet
waitscm: One chair is not enough
waitscm: One chair is not enough
waitscm: Pear petals
waitscm: Pear petals
waitscm: Pear blossoms
waitscm: Armenian Grape-hyacinth
waitscm: Lilac blossoms
waitscm: Flowering cherry tree orchard
waitscm: Audrey under the cherry blossoms
waitscm: Cherry Blossoms
waitscm: Audrey and cherry flowers
waitscm: Audrey me and the cherry tree
waitscm: Cherry Blossoms
waitscm: Fallen Cherry blossom
waitscm: Under the canopy
waitscm: Audrey under the blossoms
waitscm: Fountain arches
waitscm: Cherry orchard
waitscm: Audrey waiting for me
waitscm: Caucasian Wingnut
waitscm: Daffodil's on the forest floor
waitscm: Pin Oaks
waitscm: Kirishima Azalea
waitscm: Kirishima Azalea
waitscm: Hinoki-Cypress
waitscm: Myrtle Euphorbia
waitscm: Myrtle Euphorbia and Grape Hyacinth