cfhvs: Lapis Lazuli
cfhvs: Tulip kit
cfhvs: Last nuts and figs
cfhvs: Viburnum opulus leaf
cfhvs: Chiastolite
cfhvs: The triangle
cfhvs: Rockmonkey
cfhvs: Starfish
cfhvs: Sea potato - Echinocardium cordatum
cfhvs: Queen Conch shell
cfhvs: PlasticBag in blackback
cfhvs: Organ Pipe Coral
cfhvs: Three fresh figs
cfhvs: Summer is gone!
cfhvs: Entangled nails
cfhvs: Shell in blackback
cfhvs: Ginkgo top
cfhvs: Chicken down feather
cfhvs: Perisphincles, species of ammonite - pair
cfhvs: Madeira Procured Stones & Seeds
cfhvs: Labradoriet polished stone
cfhvs: Big silex flintstone
cfhvs: Just a stone I found
cfhvs: GrootsteMot
cfhvs: Winter Lillies
cfhvs: Winter wheat
cfhvs: Winter wheat
cfhvs: Trilobite Calymene
cfhvs: Fallen but shining
cfhvs: Belgian beer culture