SlowhandBuzz: Big Trees little museum
SlowhandBuzz: Carmel Valley
SlowhandBuzz: DSC08368
SlowhandBuzz: DSC08334
SlowhandBuzz: DSC08365
SlowhandBuzz: IMG_1712
SlowhandBuzz: IMG_0351
SlowhandBuzz: Kite Surfer
SlowhandBuzz: Hazy mountains and valley
SlowhandBuzz: IMG_2347
SlowhandBuzz: DSCF2261
SlowhandBuzz: Viney fence with lady bug, Italian countryside backdrop
SlowhandBuzz: Chilling
SlowhandBuzz: Rotunda
SlowhandBuzz: The Apotheosis of Washington
SlowhandBuzz: The Keeper's Climb
SlowhandBuzz: Majestic Spire
SlowhandBuzz: Flaming Sky
SlowhandBuzz: Tranquil Canvas
SlowhandBuzz: Smooth Sailing
SlowhandBuzz: Lover's Arch
SlowhandBuzz: The Keeper Clocks In
SlowhandBuzz: Washington Monument
SlowhandBuzz: Flag and Monument
SlowhandBuzz: Northeast Trip 2019
SlowhandBuzz: Northeast Trip 2019
SlowhandBuzz: Northeast Trip 2019
SlowhandBuzz: Northeast Trip 2019
SlowhandBuzz: Northeast Trip 2019