c_v_smith: take off
c_v_smith: fasten seat belt
c_v_smith: flight
c_v_smith: boot
c_v_smith: funky light
c_v_smith: down the alley
c_v_smith: star handle bars
c_v_smith: fuji
c_v_smith: blue velo
c_v_smith: raleigh
c_v_smith: vintage custom
c_v_smith: world tourist
c_v_smith: bucks
c_v_smith: entrance
c_v_smith: target
c_v_smith: bird
c_v_smith: space and gravity
c_v_smith: scientology antenna
c_v_smith: wanted
c_v_smith: stringy plants
c_v_smith: nice ride
c_v_smith: bamboo-ish plants
c_v_smith: watchin' my back
c_v_smith: back entry
c_v_smith: lookin' down
c_v_smith: manny's mirror
c_v_smith: building, antenna, building
c_v_smith: plaza steps