Christophe Rose: Libellule - Orthetrum cancellatum (Anisoptera)
Christophe Rose: Ioaninna : Behind the ramparts
Christophe Rose: Testudo hermanni Boettgeri (Epirus, Greece)
Christophe Rose: Vikos canyon: Butterfly (Iphiclides feisthamelii)
Christophe Rose: "pools" of Papigko
Christophe Rose: Avant l'orage - before the thunderstorm
Christophe Rose: Vikos Gorge - Φαράγγι του Βίκου
Christophe Rose: Vikos Canyon, Epirus, Greece
Christophe Rose: Pool of Papigko, Epirus, Greece
Christophe Rose: Epirus : Campanula