christopherl: mmmm... presents
christopherl: New Thomas Toys!
christopherl: Adding To the Trains
christopherl: Taking the Trains Seriously
christopherl: Birthday at School
christopherl: Cupcakes!
christopherl: Serious Cupcake Face
christopherl: Birthday Jakob
christopherl: Jakob @ School
christopherl: Happy Jakob
christopherl: Jakob and Baba
christopherl: Getting Ready for Elmo Cake
christopherl: mmmm... Elmo
christopherl: Daddy, Jakob and Cake
christopherl: Taking Out the Candles
christopherl: mmmmm... cake
christopherl: Carving Elmo
christopherl: Sugar Rush
christopherl: Birthday Hat Theo