christophercraig: Andrew and Mommy Sleeping
christophercraig: pb200024-nored
christophercraig: Mommy holds Andrew
christophercraig: Andrew gets his first bath
christophercraig: 00-nurs-imga0021
christophercraig: 00-nurs-imga0020
christophercraig: Daddy holds Andrew for the camera
christophercraig: 00-nurs-imga0018
christophercraig: 00-nurs-imga0017
christophercraig: look at that happy face
christophercraig: 7lbs 12oz
christophercraig: 00-nurs-imga0010
christophercraig: Andrew in the nursery just after birth
christophercraig: Daddy changes Andrew's diaper
christophercraig: pb150011
christophercraig: pb150010
christophercraig: pb130007
christophercraig: pb120003
christophercraig: pb120001
christophercraig: Grandmama Keene holds Andrew
christophercraig: Andrew's Grandfather holds him
christophercraig: Daddy holds Andrew in the recovery room
christophercraig: pb150012
christophercraig: Christopher and Amanda get ready to take Andrew home