christophercraig: 0000sign
christophercraig: Our first lunch stop
christophercraig: Little Italy
christophercraig: Christmas trees on every corner
christophercraig: St. Patrick's
christophercraig: The Atlas statue at Rockefeller center
christophercraig: Ice skaters
christophercraig: pc220008
christophercraig: The Rockefeller Christmas tree
christophercraig: One of our first Dinner choices
christophercraig: Times Square
christophercraig: The famous Radio City Music hall
christophercraig: Amanda near Radio City
christophercraig: pc220015
christophercraig: pc220016
christophercraig: Chris at Rockefeller center
christophercraig: pc220018
christophercraig: Sak's 5th Avenue
christophercraig: Rockefeller plaza
christophercraig: Our hotel (right off broadway)
christophercraig: pc220023
christophercraig: Ever present taxis
christophercraig: A memorial to merchant marines in Battery Park
christophercraig: pc230026
christophercraig: Manhattan
christophercraig: pc230028
christophercraig: pc230029
christophercraig: Ellis Island
christophercraig: pc230031
christophercraig: Lady Liberty