christophercraig: Clearing Storms over Yosemite Valley
christophercraig: A lake along Tioga Pass
christophercraig: Andrew Climbing Rocks
christophercraig: A new sheriff in town
christophercraig: Trying to get a better look
christophercraig: Touch the water
christophercraig: Cheap Sunglasses
christophercraig: A diver in the big tank
christophercraig: The satisfaction of a job well done
christophercraig: A new addition
christophercraig: cleaning up
christophercraig: More excitement
christophercraig: Alexis and Peter
christophercraig: He shoots!
christophercraig: Shocked
christophercraig: Peter, clean for about ten minutes
christophercraig: Sunrise from camp
christophercraig: Too cool for words.
christophercraig: What Peter did most of the trip