christophercarfi: Maker Faire, April 22, 2006
christophercarfi: Maker Fair map
christophercarfi: Woz and friends play Segway polo
christophercarfi: Woz playing Segway polo
christophercarfi: Blogger Dump Tank
christophercarfi: Windwmill
christophercarfi: Erector set Difference Engine
christophercarfi: Erector set Difference Engine
christophercarfi: Abstract painting
christophercarfi: Fire flowers
christophercarfi: Thinglink
christophercarfi: Mechanical frog dissection
christophercarfi: Build your own spud gun!
christophercarfi: PVC for spud guns
christophercarfi: The world's smallest pulse jet (cool!)
christophercarfi: Robot problem solving
christophercarfi: Robot problem solving
christophercarfi: Robot battles
christophercarfi: Robot battles
christophercarfi: Robot battles
christophercarfi: Power tool drag racing
christophercarfi: Power tool dragster
christophercarfi: More power!
christophercarfi: Solder, solder, solder
christophercarfi: Lego robot
christophercarfi: Lego robot
christophercarfi: Lego robot parts
christophercarfi: The Six Apart crew
christophercarfi: Don't Burn The Man!