Ayers Photo: That Poem, She Recited...
Ayers Photo: That Poem, She Recited... V2.0
Ayers Photo: Grace and Kathrine
Ayers Photo: Reloading
Ayers Photo: Big guns
Ayers Photo: Jack (and Sydney)
Ayers Photo: Syd and Jack
Ayers Photo: Syd and Jack
Ayers Photo: Jack And Syd's "Wedding Photos"
Ayers Photo: Jackie
Ayers Photo: taylor
Ayers Photo: 2012_10_01_4465
Ayers Photo: caroline
Ayers Photo: Delaney
Ayers Photo: In this corner...
Ayers Photo: hayley
Ayers Photo: Madeleine
Ayers Photo: aubrey
Ayers Photo: Giving Blood
Ayers Photo: Jack and Sydney
Ayers Photo: Sydney and Jack
Ayers Photo: Sydney and Jack
Ayers Photo: AP Gov Squad
Ayers Photo: Sports Med Fire Drill
Ayers Photo: Uncle John