christopher575: 20160125_074118
christopher575: 20160114_071623
christopher575: 20160114_071505
christopher575: 20160114_071454_HDR
christopher575: 20151210_081732
christopher575: 20151208_082542
christopher575: 20151208_081928
christopher575: Found these sunglasses in the park! Got water in my nose taking this picture. :(
christopher575: 20151208_081333
christopher575: 20151208_081255
christopher575: 20151208_081156
christopher575: 20151208_080801
christopher575: Not particularly difficult in Washington State.
christopher575: 20151208_080446
christopher575: 20151208_075403
christopher575: 20151208_074143
christopher575: Hope this lasts
christopher575: Ok, yes I will go around
christopher575: Turns out David's name is actually Zoey
christopher575: Standing out in the crowd
christopher575: Everett also has death stairs
christopher575: Swim center cat
christopher575: 20141216_075028.jpg
christopher575: Forest Park
christopher575: 20160216_060248
christopher575: 20160216_060257
christopher575: Swim center
christopher575: Zoey, the swim center cat
christopher575: 20160711_073723