Chris Yeo: Walkway at the Labrador Spa Resort
Chris Yeo: Labrador Nature Reserve
Chris Yeo: Cliff Lookout
Chris Yeo: Shelters and Walkways
Chris Yeo: Nice trees
Chris Yeo: Nature walk down to the beach
Chris Yeo: Blocks on the paths
Chris Yeo: By the beach
Chris Yeo: Paths on the beach
Chris Yeo: Playground by the beach
Chris Yeo: Playground
Chris Yeo: A Maze on the beach
Chris Yeo: Amazing poles
Chris Yeo: A view out to sea
Chris Yeo: Beach Walk
Chris Yeo: Oil Refinery
Chris Yeo: Rustic Feeling
Chris Yeo: BBQ Pits by the park
Chris Yeo: Labrador Jetty
Chris Yeo: Path to the Jetty
Chris Yeo: Public Shelters
Chris Yeo: End of the road
Chris Yeo: Waters Edge
Chris Yeo: From the jetty to the park
Chris Yeo: A day for fishing
Chris Yeo: High speed ferry
Chris Yeo: The waters edge
Chris Yeo: Path to the bunker
Chris Yeo: The Gun Emplacement
Chris Yeo: Camouflaged gun emplacement