Territory through the lens:
L AUSTRAL MMSI 578000700
Territory through the lens:
L AUSTRAL- MMSI 578000700
Territory through the lens:
Queen Mary 2 on the bow MMSI 310627000
Territory through the lens:
Queen Mary 2 MMSI 310627000
Territory through the lens:
Queen Mary 2 Darwin MMSI 310627000
Territory through the lens:
ARCADIA MMSI 310459000
Territory through the lens:
Ardmore Seafarer
Territory through the lens:
Gas Shuriken.
Territory through the lens:
Diamond Princess
Territory through the lens:
Diamond Princess1
Territory through the lens:
The Crystal Symphony.
Territory through the lens:
Sun PrincessIMO 9000259
Territory through the lens:
Ocean Princess IMO9187899
Territory through the lens:
Queen Mary 2..
Territory through the lens:
Queen Mary2
Territory through the lens:
Swissco Searcher
Territory through the lens:
Columbus 2
Territory through the lens:
HMAS Sydney & Warramunga
Territory through the lens:
HMAS Sydney
Territory through the lens:
Lady Melinda
Territory through the lens:
Dawn Princess MMSI 310437000
Territory through the lens:
Diamond Princess Fort Hill Wharf Darwin
Territory through the lens:
Rhapsody of the Seas MMSI 311805000 copy
Territory through the lens:
MS Rhapsody of the Seas copy
Territory through the lens:
USNS Sacagawea (T-AKE-2)
Territory through the lens:
Fairpartner HLC
Territory through the lens:
Alpine Melina IMO 9387944
Territory through the lens:
Carnival Spirit_edited-1
Territory through the lens:
TOLL Osbourne_edited-1
Territory through the lens:
The Sea Princess