christmasnotebook: east front yard
christmasnotebook: baby blues
christmasnotebook: Grandpa's pancakes are the best!
christmasnotebook: ice cream gotee
christmasnotebook: concentrating
christmasnotebook: little duet
christmasnotebook: Mama and Miranda
christmasnotebook: cake? am I getting cake? (nope)
christmasnotebook: Memphis zoo
christmasnotebook: DS#1's family
christmasnotebook: where are we going?
christmasnotebook: a good day for popsicles
christmasnotebook: favorite family game
christmasnotebook: picture for Pa
christmasnotebook: gifts from Sunday School
christmasnotebook: breakfast!
christmasnotebook: it's for baking!
christmasnotebook: baby blues
christmasnotebook: DD#3 and DD#1
christmasnotebook: Aunty with the twins
christmasnotebook: racing down the driveway
christmasnotebook: new head gear
christmasnotebook: Grandpa's birthday balloons!
christmasnotebook: ornament tree