christmasnotebook: the old mulberry tree
christmasnotebook: sleeping hostas
christmasnotebook: hoar frost
christmasnotebook: early morning in the woods
christmasnotebook: early morning in the woods
christmasnotebook: hoar frost
christmasnotebook: hoar frost
christmasnotebook: hoar frost
christmasnotebook: out the back door
christmasnotebook: out the back door
christmasnotebook: cardinal and a downy woodpecker
christmasnotebook: cardinal and a downy woodpecker
christmasnotebook: cardinal and a downy woodpecker
christmasnotebook: Downy woodpecker
christmasnotebook: through the window
christmasnotebook: miscanthus 'Morning Light'
christmasnotebook: miscanthus
christmasnotebook: maple buds
christmasnotebook: fenced garden
christmasnotebook: Lenten rose