christmasnotebook: dec 2008 022
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 010
christmasnotebook: treat table
christmasnotebook: Seems everyone likes to congregate in the kitchen.
christmasnotebook: loading cookie trays
christmasnotebook: cookies, cookies everywhere
christmasnotebook: kitchen helpers and guests
christmasnotebook: the pink Christmas tree
christmasnotebook: most of us
christmasnotebook: Home Extension Christmas Party
christmasnotebook: after dinner chat
christmasnotebook: Christmas spread
christmasnotebook: snack time
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 001
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 003
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 011
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 007
christmasnotebook: dec 2008 012
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: MIL's vintage ornaments
christmasnotebook: Christmas card pictures from past holiday seasons
christmasnotebook: dining room
christmasnotebook: "snow tree" in the dining room
christmasnotebook: dining room table
christmasnotebook: from the living room into the dining room