christmasnotebook: supper time
christmasnotebook: behind the mission team house
christmasnotebook: New Orleans skyline
christmasnotebook: a typical street in this part of town
christmasnotebook: Musicians' Village
christmasnotebook: Repaired levee
christmasnotebook: building after building
christmasnotebook: FEMA trailer
christmasnotebook: Gloria's home
christmasnotebook: The "before" picture
christmasnotebook: interior of "our" house
christmasnotebook: looking....looking....looking...
christmasnotebook: Is that one?
christmasnotebook: the work gang
christmasnotebook: Lots of helping hands.
christmasnotebook: tote that bale!
christmasnotebook: can't wait to get started!
christmasnotebook: a load to go, a load to come
christmasnotebook: relaxing after lunch
christmasnotebook: our neighborhood
christmasnotebook: mission team house
christmasnotebook: green and orange
christmasnotebook: Like son....
christmasnotebook: Like father....
christmasnotebook: Kitchen duty
christmasnotebook: after Sunday morning worship
christmasnotebook: almost there!
christmasnotebook: the entire team
christmasnotebook: Po' Boy raps "Say Cream"