christmasnotebook: front porch in the evening
christmasnotebook: front of the house in spring
christmasnotebook: the back of the house in spring
christmasnotebook: under the apple trees in spring
christmasnotebook: in springtime
christmasnotebook: crabapple blossoms
christmasnotebook: dandelions!
christmasnotebook: star of bethlehem
christmasnotebook: fenced garden from SE corner
christmasnotebook: Happy Cat in the garden
christmasnotebook: DH pulling weeds
christmasnotebook: swallowtail
christmasnotebook: Spring Beauties
christmasnotebook: 'Sorbet' peony
christmasnotebook: snowball bush
christmasnotebook: 'Sensation' Lilac
christmasnotebook: robin's eggs
christmasnotebook: pawpaw blossoms
christmasnotebook: pawpaw blossoms
christmasnotebook: hostas under the redbud
christmasnotebook: hydrangeas front porch
christmasnotebook: irises along the driveway
christmasnotebook: irises along the driveway