christmasnotebook: guest room
christmasnotebook: guest room
christmasnotebook: guest room
christmasnotebook: Victorian Tree
christmasnotebook: guest room
christmasnotebook: guest room tree
christmasnotebook: Putz house in the Christmas tree
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: making a headboard from an old door
christmasnotebook: guest room ~ before the headboard