christmasnotebook: tree on green dresser
christmasnotebook: Bubble Light Tree
christmasnotebook: Bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: vintage holiday postcard
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: bubble light tree
christmasnotebook: Painted Wreath
christmasnotebook: tree on Tom's box
christmasnotebook: kids' Christmas pics
christmasnotebook: Christmas across the years
christmasnotebook: Christmas plates
christmasnotebook: DD8's portrait
christmasnotebook: DD's portrait
christmasnotebook: Carlinville buildings
christmasnotebook: painting the wreath
christmasnotebook: vintage ornaments tree
christmasnotebook: downstairs craft desk
christmasnotebook: a place to hide the router and a tangle of wires