Christito: The rehearsal serenade
Christito: Rehearsing the moves
Christito: getting the placement down
Christito: proud parents
Christito: Carl directs
Christito: getting married makes sis smile
Christito: fumbling with the imaginary ring
Christito: "you have to be at least this tall to ride"
Christito: a nervous family
Christito: The Book of Hymns, and the ladies' feet
Christito: red glow
Christito: Elizabeth is ready for a drink
Christito: after a few margaritas
Christito: mom and Jess
Christito: Jess and me
Christito: momma
Christito: Zoe... bored
Christito: Zoe and Tom from above
Christito: L1010827.JPG
Christito: the maid of honor and the flower girl
Christito: Stephen (groom) and Johno (key grip)
Christito: me and Jess
Christito: closer...
Christito: Jess and Aunt Amy
Christito: BUBBAS!
Christito: the newlyweds
Christito: Stephen's family
Christito: the Strimbu clan
Christito: the dudes (I peek)
Christito: the ladies