xinem: liz
xinem: 10. Flea Market Ladies version 2
xinem: Kansas
xinem: IMG_4991
xinem: IMG_4993
xinem: IMG_4992
xinem: roxy
xinem: Betty Blowhan from the Grand Raggedy Roller Girls
xinem: 3. C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Irene Bracker, mother of two children, employed at the roundhouse as a wiper, Clinton, Iowa (LOC) 1943
xinem: 1. Why Mrs. Marcella Hart?
xinem: IMG_4930
xinem: IMG_4959
xinem: IMG_4939
xinem: IMG_4945
xinem: IMG_4952
xinem: 19. The Mythic: Lady Boom-boom
xinem: IMG_4921
xinem: IMG_4973
xinem: IMG_4948
xinem: 2. Meet Mrs. Dorothy Lucke and my painting.
xinem: IMG_4929
xinem: IMG_4919
xinem: IMG_4940
xinem: IMG_4943
xinem: IMG_4980
xinem: loc3
xinem: IMG_4974
xinem: IMG_4928
xinem: captwife
xinem: IMG_4935