xinem: step one: crane and hand
xinem: step 2: first crane
xinem: step 3: first crane
xinem: The first crane
xinem: step one: beleaved
xinem: step 2: beleaved
xinem: step 3: beleaved
xinem: step 4
xinem: step one: perplexed
xinem: step 2: perplexed
xinem: step 3: perplexed
xinem: "Where have they gone?"
xinem: step one: good book
xinem: step 2: a good book
xinem: step 3: good book
xinem: "Could she tear pages out of her book to make cranes?"
xinem: step one: cranes
xinem: step 2: cranes
xinem: step 3: cranes
xinem: "Enough cranes for everyone."
xinem: step one: fear
xinem: step 2: fear
xinem: step 3: fear
xinem: The trip to winter--with friend
xinem: step one: wandlight
xinem: step 2: wand
xinem: step 3: it glows
xinem: It glows!
xinem: step one: book and wand
xinem: step 2: wand and book