xinem: om
xinem: Kwan Yin and magic acorn
xinem: watercolor paint tubs
xinem: paint boxes
xinem: art and crown
xinem: corner
xinem: angel
xinem: Lakshmi
xinem: outside--January 29, 2009 Michigan winter
xinem: some paintings
xinem: gods triptych
xinem: dance floor
xinem: shelves
xinem: mojo
xinem: self portrait
xinem: doctor who scarf for my son
xinem: sweater I knitted for my love, recently worn
xinem: clay drum
xinem: paintings done in Sweden--?? years ago?
xinem: lynda barry card w/ purple paint spatters
xinem: i ching set
xinem: music
xinem: a few watercolor books
xinem: I knit slippers
xinem: magic acorn