aggiechristine: ordering flies
aggiechristine: water isn't supposed to gush out from his side
aggiechristine: bad fight
aggiechristine: alligator - it's what's for dinner!
aggiechristine: tiptoe through the primroses
aggiechristine: sticking out
aggiechristine: baby broad banded water snake
aggiechristine: piggy back ride
aggiechristine: you've got egg on your face
aggiechristine: happy birthday
aggiechristine: you just might have been hatched yesterday, if ...
aggiechristine: is leaving the egg worth it?
aggiechristine: I'd rather stay inside
aggiechristine: dangerous cave entrance
aggiechristine: eye contact
aggiechristine: belly laugh
aggiechristine: waiting for a distracted duck
aggiechristine: grandmother, what big teeth you have!
aggiechristine: unusual pillow
aggiechristine: in wait for the unwary
aggiechristine: guess who has right of way?
aggiechristine: bench blending
aggiechristine: stop to smell the flowers
aggiechristine: your stilts won't save you!
aggiechristine: wait, here's another... knock knock
aggiechristine: I'm not going to tell you twice...