Christine Burns (Callery): the photographers..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..Blackhead, Co. Clare..
Christine Burns (Callery): Carton House grounds, Maynooth
Christine Burns (Callery): Frosted Grass, Carton House
Christine Burns (Callery): .. wild woman ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. 2 little teeth ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. hanging out ..
Christine Burns (Callery): lovely witch..
Christine Burns (Callery): big eyes..
Christine Burns (Callery): Smartie time ...
Christine Burns (Callery): ..a face in the crowd..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. 4 quick years ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. i'm going in ..
Christine Burns (Callery): part of "wrapsies" photo shoot
Christine Burns (Callery): .. play with me ..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..she is quite sweet really..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..peaches, you will be missed..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. 3 delicate chocolates ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. wide open ..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..little purple..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..burst of pink..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..a wish caught..
Christine Burns (Callery): friends..