Christine Burns (Callery): .. she likes the "click" sound ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. growing up too quick ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. with your shiney nose ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. wild woman ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. hanging out ..
Christine Burns (Callery): lovely witch..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..little smiler..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. 4 quick years ..
Christine Burns (Callery): .. I will follow ..
Christine Burns (Callery): ..lets run away..
Christine Burns (Callery): Smartie time ...
Christine Burns (Callery): Anna ... loves to play among the rock pools
Christine Burns (Callery): Anna..Looking out
Christine Burns (Callery): Anna.."I did it, I got to the top"
Christine Burns (Callery): still as she can be
Christine Burns (Callery): Anna..always climbing
Christine Burns (Callery): Anna &her "baby"