Christine Burns (Callery): Castle Island, Lough Key, Boyle
Christine Burns (Callery): Blue evening on Lough Key, Boyle
Christine Burns (Callery): Old Boat ... detail
Christine Burns (Callery): Autumn Steps, Coole Park
Christine Burns (Callery): Night before the wedding ...
Christine Burns (Callery): Walls on Inis Oirr Island
Christine Burns (Callery): Currach on Inis Oirr Island
Christine Burns (Callery): Currach on Inis Oirr Island
Christine Burns (Callery): Poulnabrone Dolmen, Co Clare
Christine Burns (Callery): Corcomroe Abbey, Co. Clare
Christine Burns (Callery): Little bit of pink
Christine Burns (Callery): Family of Rocks!
Christine Burns (Callery): Sun setting, Black Head, Co. Clare
Christine Burns (Callery): Good spot to leave a gap ...
Christine Burns (Callery): Gazebo, Lough Key, Boyle
Christine Burns (Callery): Fairy Bridge, Lough Key, Boyle
Christine Burns (Callery): Fairy Bridge, Lough Key, Boyle