christina funderburg thomas: my love - piazza san marco in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: i wish i may i wish i might - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: i want that one - piazza san marco, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: good cookie - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: admirer - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: pinochio and guiseppe - piazza san marco in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: saturday night - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: shall we dance - piazza san marco, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: waiting - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: walk this way - island san giorgio maggiore, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: along the grand canal in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: ambulances on the ready - grand canal, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: asparagus buddies - food market in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: biggest boat i've ever seen - grand canal in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: Boat Club on Island San Giorgio Maggiore - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: boats and more boats - grand canal, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: cell under doge's palace - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: enjoy the view - piazza san marco, venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: fish market - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: foggy morning on the grand canal - venice italy
christina funderburg thomas: four lane highway down the grand canal - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: gas station on the grand canal - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: gondola parking only - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: gondolier break time - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: i told you i could make it
christina funderburg thomas: juicy - food market in venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: local hangout - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: lonely bridge of sighs - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: morning traffic - venice, italy
christina funderburg thomas: neighborhood canal - venice, italy